Our First Winter eLearning Symposium

On January 24th we had just over twenty faculty and staff participate in a three-hour active learning workshop around active learning. As usual, most of the day time was around faculty work and faculty led discussions and presentations. It was a good amount of time to cover some strategies faculty are using to create more active classrooms.

Over the past couple of years, we have worked hard to make our learning visible. Even participatory past the live event itself. Given the nature of this event and some of the activities the faculty described, and the participants used, we created a pretty nice page here on our blog that shares what happened during the day.

What interest me the most is how this type of interactive and shared learning might work in a class. What are the benefits? Drawbacks? And why?

Other examples of our drive to make some of the work visible?

2019 eLearning Symposium
2018 eLearning Symposium
2017 eLearning Symposium
5 Day Canvas Workout
Oh, 5 Places You’ll Go!